Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (b. 1207- d. 1231) Princess, wife, mother, Franciscan, founder of hospitals, and friend to the poor. She is the patron saint of widows, bakers, homeless

Elizabeth is a great patron saint for any church, and perhaps especially so for a small mission church such as ours. Elizabeth connected to people who weren’t part of the rich and powerful of her time – perhaps people like us, or like the people we serve through our partnerships with Almost Home and with Grace Community Food Bank. As I have come to know you better, I have a growing sense that you bring into the world an understanding of how people really live. Every one of you at St. Elizabeth’s has a rich story. You have known joy and sorrow, good times and bad, and your ability to extend welcome is informed by your stories. While we all are continually led into deeper learning by our faith and God’s call, I believe that we, like Elizabeth, love simple things like praying together, talking together, serving together, and we know that being good and caring neighbors brings us closer to God.

Reverend Terri Colburn